Zeus & Xena

I think we have told most of you about Zeus' new home, but for those of you who don't know, we found a great home for our dear friend Zeus. Kristi and Patrick have a beautiful 2-year old female fawn boxer named Xena. They called on Zeus when we first listed him on KSL. We had a chance to bring Zeus over to their home, and he got along great with Xena (which seems only natural, given how well their names go together). They played great and even look really similar. The only reason we had any reservations about this home is that he would spend most of the day in his kennel. After the first home didn't work out though, they found out that he seemed to really enjoy his kennel. So we went and got him one from Petsmart, and Kristi and Patrick said they would love to give him a shot. Well, it worked out! Zeus does well in his kennel, and hasn't had a single accident (as far as I know). He plays wonderfully with his new girlfriend Xena, and we couldn't be happier for them! We love you Zeus! We're so grateful such a wonderful family was able to adopt you.
Thanks to Kristi for the picture! We thought it was so cute (that's right, I said cute) to see them cuddling together. Xena is the one on top, and Zeus is snuggling in below if you couldn't tell.