Friday, February 16, 2007

Carrots are not orange!

That's right, you heard me. Centuries ago, carrot breeders, in the name of aesthetics, selected the orange color for the carrot. But alas, the carrot's true color, is purple. Actually, carrots come in black, white, and maroon also. Anyway, Dr. Pike recently brought back the purple carrot and its original nutrients. It has the consistency of an apple, and is sweeter! We've all been deceived! Why would they do this to us?! Anyway, I really want a purple carrot. Read more about it, and see more pictures at the link below:

Grown in Texas! Sean & Jenny, you need to hook me up. ;)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

It's a girl!

Hooray! Turns out she WAS being modest the first time. :) Lydia and I had another ultrasound on Saturday, and the results, are in, it's a girl! We've decided on the name Kathryn (Kate) Metcalf. With a possible middle name that is yet to be discussed. Anyway, thought I would share our excitement and a few pics. The last one had me especially excited, but Lydia assured me it wasn't what I hoped it might be. (I don't know though, you'll have to decide for yourself.)

Isn't she cute?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Early signs of rebellion

Alright, so we went to the doctor today and got the ultrasound. I think someone must have slipped baby some info about name possibilities because he/she had his/her feet curled right up in his/her crotch. And on top of that, he/she stuck his/her tongue out at us!

Can you believe the nerve?

Okay, I'm sorry baby. Slagathor was a bad idea. It was just a joke... now spread em'! j/k :)

Actually, even though we didn't get to find out baby's gender today, it was a really cool experience. A friend I work with told me we could bring a VHS tape to our ultrasound and that they would record it. I remembered it at the last minute, and I'm so glad I did, because we have the whole thing on tape now!

The ultrasound was awesome! It was really amazing to see how much our child has grown! We saw a spine, a beating heart, moving limbs, and a beautiful little face. I couldn't wipe the grin off my own face, and Lydia got all teary-eyed. Like I said, awesome.

We're heading back for another ultrasound sometime this month. Hopefully by then baby will forgive me for suggesting Slagathor. (Even though it IS a SWEET name.)I actually really like Calvin or Miles for a boy. How's that kiddo? Now please, let mommy and daddy have a peek!

P.S. Everyone stay tuned for a picture of baby sticking his/her tongue out at us! I'll scan it in tomorrow.

BTW (by the way), thanks to everyone who comments on this thing! I really love hearing from you all!

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Oh boy oh boy! (or is it, "oh girl, oh girl?")

This coming Tuesday, at 11:00 AM, Lydia and I have our appointment with the doctor-ologist to find out what kind of monkey we made! We're kind of hoping for a girl, because we have a name picked out. ("Kathryn" named after my aunt, but we'd probably call her Kate). If it's a boy, we both had a few ideas, but I'm really starting to like one in particular. "Slagathor the destroyer!" Whaddya think?! I'm not sure if we can actually have an exclamation mark in his name on the record, but I'm pushing for one. I'd call him Slaggy for short.

If you think you have any better boy names (doubt it), let us know!

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