Alright, so we went to the doctor today and got the ultrasound. I think someone must have slipped baby some info about name possibilities because he/she had his/her feet curled right up in his/her crotch. And on top of that, he/she stuck his/her tongue out at us!
Can you believe the nerve?
Okay, I'm sorry baby. Slagathor was a bad idea. It was just a joke... now spread em'!
j/k :)Actually, even though we didn't get to find out baby's gender today, it was a really cool experience. A friend I work with told me we could bring a VHS tape to our ultrasound and that they would record it. I remembered it at the last minute, and I'm so glad I did, because we have the whole thing on tape now!
The ultrasound was awesome! It was really amazing to see how much our child has grown! We saw a spine, a beating heart, moving limbs, and a beautiful little face. I couldn't wipe the grin off my
own face, and Lydia got all teary-eyed. Like I said, awesome.
We're heading back for another ultrasound sometime this month. Hopefully by then baby will forgive me for suggesting Slagathor.
(Even though it IS a SWEET name.)I actually really like Calvin or Miles for a boy. How's that kiddo? Now please, let mommy and daddy have a peek!
P.S. Everyone stay tuned for a picture of baby sticking his/her tongue out at us! I'll scan it in tomorrow.
BTW (by the way), thanks to everyone who comments on this thing! I really love hearing from you all!
Labels: baby, rebellion, ultrasounds