For precious sake
I went to the doctor yesterday and he told Mommy and Daddy that I am a perfect, healthy baby. They seemed very pleased by that! I am in the 90th percentile (whatever that means) for height and head size, and well above average for weight, too! In fact, I weigh 8 lbs. 5 oz. now, and I've grown a whole inch since I was born!
Most of the time I like to sleep and drink milk. Oh, I also make messes in my diaper and sometimes it gets on my clothes or on my changing table, but Mommy & Daddy don't get mad, they just sigh and clean it up for me. Mommy sings songs to me while I'm eating and Daddy dances with me to classical music when I can't sleep at night. They sure do love me.
Here are a couple of pictures of me yesterday, when I was two weeks old. Mommy says, sorry the pictures are so blurry!
This next picture is way old! Mommy took it on my first day home for the hospital, so I was only 2 days old. She says this is and probably always will be one of her very most favorite pictures of me.
Well, I'm getting kind of sleepy now, so I guess I will have to talk to you all again later.